Qe believe that giving financially is also part of our Worship.
Why we give.
What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are at and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God with every area of our lives, and that includes what we do with our finances.

The tithe is 10% of our income which we present to the Lord at the House of God, which is your local church- specifically, the church where you regularly attend. If you regularly attend at Garden City Church, consider this your home.

The 'offering' is a gift above our tithe. It too is biblical and in one instance, we see the greatest demonstration of a "blessing" spoken over giving in all of scripture in the confines of the offering. (Mark 12:41-44). Why? Because, a tithe is returning to God a portion of what is already His. An offering exceeds that and comes out of what God allows you to keep.

Mission offerings are gift amounts which you wish to specifically designate towards one of our missionaries, or towards our general missions fund which we will then used to provide support and assistance to all our missionaries, as well as expand our missionary roster.
Ways To Give
1. Give Online
2. In Person
3. Automated Giving

4. Kiosk
About Online Giving
You don't need to download a new app or create an account; simply fill out the fields, and your information will be saved to your donor profile.

Benefits of Online Giving
- Giving schedules will provide consistent and faithful giving.
- Our giving portal is PCI Compliant.
- Access through PC or Mobile Device
- Instantly access statements and history at your convenience.