January 10th - Feb 19th 

Contact info@gardencitychurch.net for more info and to receive your free fasting journal.


Here's your First Step


Prayer is not the last resort. Prayer is the first resolve. We invite you to be with us every Tuesday between 6:30pm - 8:00pm. We are passionate about engaging in times of genuine, Holy Spirit led prayer accompanied with uplifting teaching, intersession and  encouragement.

City Ūth

Friday 6:30pm | 6th - 12th Grade
Sundays 10:45am | PreK3 - 5th Grade
Until all have heard!

January 10th - February 19th

Free booklets available in lobby after service

Type your new text here.


Here's your First Step


Prayer is not the last resort, it's our first resolve. 
We invite you to be with us every Tuesday between 6:30pm - 8:00pm. We are passionate about engaging in times of genuine, Holy Spirit-led prayer accompanied with uplifting teaching, intercession and  encouragement.
Fridays 6:30pm | 6th - 12th Grade
Sundays 10:45am | PreK3 - 5th Grade
Until all have heard.

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We'd love to hear from you. Click below to get started.

Church Center App


How to Resubscribe: 
1. Click the link. 
2. When the word "start' appears in your text message, hit send.

join us for intercessory prayer

Join Us for Corporate Prayer
We warmly invite everyone to participate in our weekly prayer sessions. Here’s our schedule:
  • Monday: Men’s Prayer at 5:00 AM (online via Zoom)
  • Tuesday - Thursday: Morning Prayer for the Entire Community at 5:00 AM (online via Zoom)
  • Friday: Women’s Prayer at 5:00 AM (online via Zoom)
Tuesday Evening: In Person 6:30 PM to 8:00 PM

Jesus is building his Church on the North Shore. Come and be a part of His great work

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