If you consider Garden City Church to be YOUR CHURCH HOME, we invite you to investigate the primary resources presented on this page to help you connect and get involved.

1. First Time Guest

We invite you to complete the first time guest card if you are visiting us for the first time, or have never completed this card. This will allow us to stay connected. All information is private and confidential and will only be shared with the pastoral team as well as ministry leaders.

2. Garden City Church App

Download the free Church Center app to your device.
The Church Center App is completely FREE and puts all the functionality on your device without log-ins and authentications!
  1. Download the Church Center app from the App Store or Google Play
  2. Find Gardencitychurchma within the app (if you have a profile with us already, it should auto-populate. If not, you can search for our church by location).

3. Join Online Community

We invite you to join and follow our online community to stay connected and meet others within our community.
*Join both our Facebook Page and Facebook 'Community' Group

4. Volunteer

We invite you to get involved in ministry.