Mark 16:15 He said to them, “Go into all the world and preach the gospel to all creation.

AGWM 2023 Theme: Christ Among Us

As members of Christ’s community, we follow Him, who is our example. He walked with us, lived with us, and loved us. He came to Earth to be the unblemished sacrifice for our salvation. His life on Earth is recounted in stories throughout Scripture that remind us of God’s faithful presence among His people. His presence in our splintered, fractured communities brings wholeness and peace. He is “Christ Among Us!” Our theme verse for this year (2 Cor. 2:15) instructs us to be a “pleasing aroma” to all the world. Like Christ on the Earth and the Holy Spirit in the Church, our presence brings encouragement to followers of Christ and attracts those who do not yet follow Him. Christ calls us, and the Holy Spirit empowers us to live and minister among the whole world. In this way, we can be “Christ Among Us” to those who need Him.

We are comMitted to world missions

Meet our missionaries
(coming soon)

*Below is a sampling of some of the missionaries and organizations we support.